Saturday 7 May 2016

Education in Chhattisgarh

Education in Chhattisgarh 

The rate of development in the field of education is slow still the state has committed to spread the knowledge and freedom of thought among its citizens, which is reflected in its policy.

The overall literacy rate for the state as per census 2001 is 65.12%, with male literacy rate at 77.86% and female literacy rate at 55.28%. The state has been providing free and compulsory education to its children until they complete the age of fourteen years.

The state government is emphasizing more on the educational interests of the underprivileged sections, particularly, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to raise their literacy standards.

The state follows a uniform system of school education i.e. the 10+2 pattern. Schools in Chhattisgarh are either run by the state government or privately by trusts and individuals.

The higher educational status of the state is no less encouraging. The state has 8 universities, 3 medical colleges and a number of professional colleges.
Students after completion of their +2 (class XII) prepare to go for higher study. They continue their study with the subjects taken in +2 level or switch over to professional degrees like engineering, management and medical.

The state is stepping forth with focused growth on education particularly at the primary and secondary levels.

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